Elected on the promise of change, to build a new republic respectful of democracy and human rights, to make the government more accountable for its actions, and to fight corruption and financial malpractices that bleed the white economy and impede the development and improvement of the living conditions of the Congolese people, President Tshisekedi is fully aware of the challenges he faces. This is how he did not wait for the formation of the government to put himself firmly at work in order to honor his election promises.
But the restoration of peace and security throughout the country is essential to undertake the crucial task of rebuilding the socio-economic fabric of the country. During the election campaign, Felix Tshisekedi pledged to bring peace and stability to the DRC and, especially, to put an end to the insecurity that persists in the eastern part, which is suffering the horrors and atrocities of the successive wars that ravaged the country. country for the control of mineral resources and provoked the slaughter of more than six million Congolese for more than twenty years.
To address and solve this complex issue of chronic insecurity that reigns in this part of the DRC, Felix Tshisekedi who made his debut as part of his political party, in international diplomacy, quickly realized that to fight effectively against insecurity, it was important to undertake efforts at both national and international levels to restore lasting peace in his country. And that, the most effective way to resolve this issue of insecurity that still prevails, is to negotiate peace and reconciliation based on mutual trust with neighbors.
Upon taking office, President Tshisekedi expressed his commitment to work for true reconciliation with his neighbors. He traveled to neighboring countries: Angola, Congo Brazzaville, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda and Rwanda, to meet with senior leaders of these countries, to discuss with them the prospects of positive relations, good neighborliness and cross-border cooperation that was absent by the past, to address in particular the root causes of insecurity in the countries of the African Great Lakes subregion.
For his first official trip outside of Africa, President Tshisekedi chose the United States of America for a variety of reasons, as he explained during a meeting that was held in a very cordial atmosphere with Congolese nationals from North America to Washington DC. Indeed, for those who know the genesis of armed conflict in eastern DRC, they know that the support of the United States at the diplomatic, political, financial and military equipment, is a considerable asset and has for consequence, the redistribution of influence maps in the subregion and, ultimately, the restoration of peace and stability in that country.
President Tshisekedi had offered the United States a special partnership to attract US private investment to accelerate economic growth in his country. He also relies on investments from all around the world to establish a win-win partnership with his country.
So far, the first steps seem very encouraging and are going in the right direction. President Tshisekedi, even without a government, without an adequate budget, was quick to take strong, more focused, symbolic actions to address the country’s urgent priority needs, including rebuilding road infrastructure, electricity and drinking water, with the aim of relieving its population. All these measures have been well received by the Congolese population.
One thing is certain, in just 100 days, Felix Tshisekedi has demonstrated that he is capable of doing better than his predecessor, just in terms of real commitments of resources and political will. In addition, he has demonstrated his willingness to breathe new life into good-neighborly relations, to regain his country’s place in Africa and to speak with reassurance to the rest of the world.
Felix Tshisekedi is committed to putting the DRC back on the road to economic prosperity, by ensuring, among other things, a sound and rigorous management of public finances. Indeed, the scandal that erupted during the election of Senators and Provincial Governors demonstrates that its commitment to fight endemic corruption that gangrene the country has had a favorable response to the Congolese population who strongly disapproves of such practices. This battle remains essential and makes sense in that it will help to stem a growing phenomenon that has spread widely in the Congolese state apparatus.
Felix Tshisekedi multiplies gestures that demonstrate his desire to break with the unhealthy practices of the previous regime. It has restored confidence to the Congolese by sending clear signals, that with a little more political will, it is possible to solve the problems that hinder the development of the DRC.
After a few jolts caused by his victory contested by his challenger, Felix Tshisekedi has managed to establish its legitimacy and ensure the confidence and support of its fellow citizens and the international community. It can therefore be said without exaggeration that for his first 100 days, he passed the test of social acceptability.
It is now time for President Tshisekedi to press his allies of the Common Front for Congo (FCC) for the country to quickly adopt a government. A good, efficient government that knows how to manage public finances as a good father and who is dedicated to fighting corruption to maximize government revenue, essential to the revival of the country on the road to economic prosperity.
Although the parties that supported the candidacy of Felix Tshisekedi are a minority in the Senate and in the provincial and national assemblies, still agreeing to make a coalition with other parties whose priorities are different from yours and especially who do not share not all the same vision of the future country, President Tshisekedi must be aware that he will be the first accountant of government actions with Congolese. It has the duty and the responsibility to play a leading role, setting clear guidelines and setting the course for the next five years, in the light of his vision, to guide the way forward for his government, if he wants to succeed his presidential term.
Isidore KWANDJA NGEMBO, Political scientist and public policy analyst