The resources of credit institutions in the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) amounted to 38,691.7 billion FCFA (58.037 billion euros) in 2020, according to the report of the Banking Commission based in Abidjan.
Compared to 2019 or, they stood at 33,129.6 billion FCFA, these resources were consolidated by 15.8%, year-on-year. “They break down into deposits and loans (85.3%), net equity (10.7%) and other resources (4.0%)”, specifies the Banking Commission.
Deposits and loans increased by 17.0% per year, standing at 33,007.3 billion FCFA at the end of 2020. They are made up of sight deposits (17,919.1 billion; 54.3%) and deposits at term (15,088.2 billion; 45.7%), which increased by 18.1% and 15.8% respectively during the period under review.
The net equity of the WAMU banking system increased by FCFA 474.3 billion (+ 12.9%), from FCFA 3,672.6 billion in 2019 to FCFA 4,147.0 billion a year later. Other resources increased by FCFA 1.0 billion (+ 0.1%), year-on-year, to stand at FCFA 1,537.4 billion at the end of 2020. Other resources consist of payments still to be made on securities. investment and portfolio activity, trading securities on the liabilities side, conditional instruments sold, settlement accounts relating to securities transactions, linkage account on the liabilities side, sundry payables, provisions, ‘pending and regularization of creditors and payments still to be made on financial fixed assets.
As for the cash flow of credit institutions, it remains in deficit and fell from -2,672.8 billion FCFA at December 31, 2019 to -2,769.0 billion FCFA at the end of 2020, i.e. a decline of 96.1 billion (+3, 6%).