The private company GED Africa / RDC has, on Friday July 31, agreed to finance, with nearly 253 million USD, the construction of the Kasomeno-Kasenga-Tchalwe road (270 km) which will leave the Democratic Republic of Congo. as far as Zambia, after two days of discussions with the Congolese Large Works Agency (ACGT) through the Ministry of Infrastructure. The road will start from Luapula province in Zambia to Haut-Katanga in DRC, with a toll booth and a bridge that will be thrown over the Luapula River.
According to experts, this is one of the largest public-private partnership projects ever implemented in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. It is part of the public-private partnership and will be executed by the company GED Africa Ltd.
DUNA Asphalt is the key shareholder in this project, the official launch of which is scheduled for the next few days.
“We are very happy to express our gratitude to the Ministry of Infrastructure and ACGT because it was very intense negotiations but always in a very good spirit so that the project can benefit and the people of the DRC. This is a big project for the DRC and Zambia. So we are going to finalize the negotiations… We have already started the preliminary work on both sides of the border ”, welcomed the CEO of GED Africa, Klaus Findt. “We are proud to be part of this great project so important”, he underlined.
For his part, the director general of ACGT, Charles Médard Ilunga, insisted that GED agreed to provide private funding to finance the Kasomeno-kasenga-chalwe road. “This is a very large funding of almost $ 253 million and then requires constant updating and discussions at all times to get all of the questions agreed. The next step is to consolidate the legal and financial set-up, quickly go to financial close with the financial backer and set up the works company and the engineering office which will control the works “.