One of the three pillars of the Emerging Senegal Plan
Dakar Finance Cluster, a major competitive cluster of leading universities, start-ups and leading economic operators, was formally established in Paris on December 17, 2018.
This project, initiated and co-founded by Finance Innovation, will be one of the pillars of the Senegal Emergence Plan (PSE). “Mazars ‘participation in the Dakar Finance Cluster roundtable is an opportunity to affirm Mazars’ commitment to developing innovation for the benefit of the continent’s youth and to contribute to the emergence of Africa” says Abdou Diop, Managing Partner of Mazars Audit & Conseil and co-signatory of the Cluster’s statutes.
For Hassan Allouch, Executive Partner of the Mazars Cabinet in charge of Outsourcing and Innovation: “The purpose of such an ecosystem rests on three pillars:
Bridging the two worlds: Global Groups and ETI vs. Innovative Actors »
The consolidation of trust in the actors of Innovation
The aggregation of startups and growth tools dedicated to the Innovation sector.
Through its participation in the Cluster and through its historic presence throughout the continent, Mazars aims to improve financial inclusion in Africa. The Group reaffirms its belief that Africa has all the resources required for its development, which will be catalysed by the rational passion of local and foreign actors and the involvement of African diasporas around the world.
An international, integrated and independent organization specializing in auditing, accounting, tax, business consulting and legal services, Mazars is a unique institution within the professional services sector. The Mazars Group operates through an integrated global partnership that brings together 23,000 employees in 89 countries. In Africa, more than 2700 employees are supervised by 140 Associates in 28 countries. The group aspires to consolidate a modern, coherent, unique brand that creates value for its customers (and partners), regardless of their geographic location, activities and markets.