On November 6, 2018, Katanga Mining Limited issued a press release announcing the temporary suspension and until further notice of exports and sales of cobalt from the Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) project.
Gécamines wishes, as far as it is concerned, to make the following clarifications:
Gecamines was notified by its KCC representatives of the discovery in some of its trucks of a high level of uranium in cobalt hydroxide produced by KCC.
Gécamines has not been involved in Katanga Mining Limited’s recent market communications, including the decision to stop exports and sales of cobalt, as well as additional investments.
The social organs of KCC have not been seized on the subject.
Gécamines requested an emergency meeting between the technical teams of the various stakeholders, in order to reach a common position on the issues raised, in accordance with our agreements and applicable laws, and before any binding decision making could engage him as a co-shareholder.